What is ozone?
Ozone is a natural gas made up of three oxygen atoms. Its chemical name is O3.
Normal oxygen (O2), which we breathe, has only two oxygen atoms. It is the addition of the third oxygen atom that makes ozone “supercharged” oxygen, and gives it all of its remarkable medical properties. It is an underutilized therapy that is useful both as a treatment and as a preventative due to its powerful detoxification and healing properties, with negligible risk.
Ozone therapy was first discovered in 1786 and first synthesized in a German Lab in 1840. The use of ozone to treat various medical conditions was first developed in the early 1950’s. Today, medical ozone therapy is common throughout Europe and America.
Ozone Therapy:
It is a unique form of therapy that both heals and detoxifies at the same time. Ozone therapy is used to treat a variety of chronic diseases including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, Lyme disease, chronic hepatitis, herpes, chronic fatigue states, chemical sensitivity, macular degeneration, chronic bladder conditions, colitis, auto-immune diseases, and Crohn’s disease.
Ozone Relieves Pain, Kills Viruses, and Is a Powerful Detox Agent’
- Ozone is Anti-Aging
It increases production of telomerase (the enzyme that protects the tips of chromosomes). Every time cells divide, their telomeres shorten, which eventually prompts them to stop dividing and die. - Ozone Increases Cell Oxygenation
It has been proven that cancer and disease grow in poorly oxygenated tissues in the body. Ozone improves the uptake and utilization of oxygen and the activation of oxygen-dependent processes. - Ozone Modulates the Immune System
Ozone boosts the immune system. It increases production of white blood cells, activates cellular and humoral immunity, corrects autoimmune processes. For those with Auto-Immune Disorders, Ozone will modulate the immune system to help to stop it from attacking healthy human cells. - Ozone Increases Energy Production in Cells
Cells need energy to be healthy; low energy levels mean that you and your cells will not be healthy and will age faster. - Ozone Increases the Activity of Anti-Oxidant Enzyme Systems
Ozone reduces oxidation levels in the body. Oxidants can be beneficial for treating a wide range of conditions ranging from bacterial, viral and fungal infections (Anti-microbial) to joint pain and arthritis. - Ozone Reduces the level of Acidity in the Body
The body should ideally maintain a slightly alkaline blood level in the pH range of 7.35 to 7.45. - Ozone has Powerful Detoxification Properties
Including the removal of toxins that impair cellular respiration, energy production and nutrient absorption. It also stimulates metabolic processes in the liver and kidneys. - Analgesia
Ozone oxidizes the agents that irritate nerve endings in damaged tissue, thereby mitigating the pain response.
- Ozone is Anti-Aging
These properties make medical ozone therapy a safe and effective treatment for all sorts of infections, including areas of the body typically receiving poor circulation. Ozone has been shown effective for sinus and endodontic infections, osteonecrosis of the jaw (ONJ), ear infections, hepatitis, cystitis, HIV, intestinal and blood infections, and Lyme disease.
Ozone is also being used to relieve arthritis, neuropathy, degenerative joint and disk disease, fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue. One of the most impressive evidence-based applications is relief from the pain of herniated disks, particularly lumbar. More than one meta-analysis found ozone treatment an effective and “extremely safe” procedure with pain and functional outcomes equal to or better than surgery, but with much lower complication rates (less than 0.1 percent) and significantly shorter recovery times.
The Method:
Blood is withdrawn intravenously from the patient, mixed with ozone and a small amount of anticoagulant, then returned to the body intravenously at 20-40 drops per min. The whole process will take 40-60 minutes.